Monday, April 25, 2005

From PEN: Filibuster Defense Update

The People's Email Network FILIBUSTER DEFENSE Update

Please submit the form below. I haven't had time yet to make the web address "live".

There is a fringe group in America who has a vision of our government as a dictatorship, without any of the checks and balances our founders had the wisdom to create over 200 years ago. And the most cynical part is that it has NOTHING to do with people of faith. This is all about people either too biased or too corrupt to be trusted with lifetime appointments to our federal courts, including a judge lacking even the ethics to recuse herself in cases involving her own campaign contributors.

The filibuster exists precisely to protect the minority from being abused by a bare majority. How much more important is this where the TRUE majority of our people are OPPOSED to the radical and dangerous agenda being pushed by the current administration? Those who would seek to usurp all power in our country know they can never win over the American people on the merits. Not satisfied with a court system already stacked with their own nominees, they are obsessed with breaking the rules to lurch even further to the right. They MUST be stopped NOW.

Did they not hear us hear us the first time we told them a small number of their proposed nominees were TOTALLY unacceptable? Do they have to hear from each and every one of us in person for them to get the message? Well, maybe they do. And that's why it is so important for all of us speak out now by submitting the form above and tell them once and for all that no means no!

This is another battle we are SUPPOSED to win. The other side has internal polls that show them far behind in public opinion. But our true majority will only continue to prevail if we keep speaking out at every opportunity. If you want to do more to support this movement we have even have an action form you can put on your own website and having working in just a minute. Simply download the zip archive below, unzip it and follow the easy instructions

Please post the above links everywhere you can to everyone you know

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