Thursday, September 15, 2005


I suppose in the world of the money-fixated wing of the GOP, it is all about the financial bottom line. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Because our country is becoming financially bankrupt, (moral and ethical bankruptcy doesn't seem to count), the oldest and largest conservative grassroots organization is unhappy with W. and the GOP.

It is well about time.

Maybe they, i.e. the money fixated conservatives, actually resent having to pick up the daunting and crippling tab that Bush and his cronies have visited upon them, the smug and well heeled, and us together, the average Joes and Janes USA must pay the price.

It seems that we are all in the same mix of financial and moral hell.

Sadly, our children and grandchildren will pay, for years to come, the miserable consequences of the massive Bush GOP lies and screw-ups.

Naturally the offspring of Bush, Inc will not suffer any financial liability whatsoever.

Unlike you and me, they are well taken care of for life, for generations to come.

Despite the words that spew from his mouth, Bush so obviously does not care about you.

You know that, for a fact, after Katrina. Neither do his enabling and greedy buddies in the GOP.

In fact, they actually seem to be completely unaware of 98% of us.

The Bush family and their hacks have stuffed cake down our throats for generations to come. They ignore and dismiss us, as if we do not exist, while they send their servants to the bank with the profits gained from the spoils of our gutted national misery.

They have fooled you.

And yet, you allowed yourselves to be duped.

Be a conservative, take charge, and stand up to take responsibility.

The so-called unexpected Katrina, the national cataclysm that Bush Inc. so masterly ignored, is the straw that broke our backs.

Get used to eating cake or find the courage to actually do something to effect regime change. LS


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Conservative group hits Republicans in Congress, Bush over spending

09/14/2005 @ 12:50 pm

The American Conservative Union, the nation's oldest and largest conservative grassroots organization, demanded President Bush and the Republican leadership in Congress take action to rein in federal spending Wednesday, questioning how Bush can afford the large sums Congress was doling out in Hurricane Katrina relief efforts while still maintaining federal spending levels, RAW STORY has learned.

"Clearly the terrible tragedy resulting from the devastation caused by Hurricane Katrina will require substantial federal resources to be expended, and all Americans support this relief effort," ACU Chairman David Keene said in a release. "But the idea that Congress should spend tens of billions of dollars on this relief effort in the absence of reprioritizing overall federal spending makes absolutely no sense."

Top Republicans will delay votes on making President Bush's tax cuts permanent. The U.S. already bears huge payments to maintain a continuing presence in Iraq and Afghanistan -- more than $1 billion a week. The federal debt has ballooned to over $2 trillion since 2000 and now stands at $7.9 trillion.

"We found that there's plenty of time to do everything that we want to do," House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) told reporters Tuesday of his plans to delay tax cuts.

That tax package was to have been debated this month. It will be delayed to make room for Katrina legislation, House and Senate officials told AP.

Meanwhile, a vote to repeal the estate tax has been shelved indefinitely.

The ACU's Keene said conservatives are increasingly "losing faith" in Bush and GOP leaders.

"Because of these massive increases in federal largess, conservatives throughout the United States are increasingly losing faith in the President and the Republican Leadership in Congress to adequately prioritize and rein in overall federal spending," Keene remarked.

"Let us not lose sight of the fact that prior to Hurricane Katrina, federal government spending was already spiraling out of control," Keene added. "Excluding military and homeland security, American taxpayers have witnessed the largest spending increase under any preceding president and Congress since the Great Depression."

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